Vanessa Martín
Search for and download your favorite anime series
Animation series and films produced in Japan belong to a genre known as anime. This genre gathers a great amount of fans from all over the world. Being a major success in the United States, as well as Asia, Europe and Latin America.
We have an essential utility for all anime fans: Anime Downloader. It's a download manager for animated series, OVAs and animated films from Japan. Its main feature is that it provides direct access to a vast list of anime blockbusters to be able to download them directly from any of the servers that the application downloads from, without having to perform searches over Internet.
Main features
- Practical multimedia contents manager for the anime genre.
- Detailed reports of each title, as well as available parts.
- Options to place in the queue, start, pause or resume downloads.
- High download speed, by obtaining various parts of the file segmented.
- Integrated search engine, that allows searches by name or by category.
- Possibility to create a favorites list.
Thanks to Anime Downloader, you'll be able to find and download all your favorite Japanese anime series.
Requirements and additional information:
- The free trial version only allows five downloads every 24 hours.