Coupons and discounts for saving on your shopping
We all like to save on our shopping. Coupons, discounts, deals, special offers... they all help. This platform brings together discount coupons for stores in our area so that our shopping works out cheaper. Every cent counts!
How to save on your shopping
Dollar General is the US retail chain's official app. Here we will find plenty of digital coupons that allow us to save on our in-store purchases. And best of all, we can exchange them without any printing or cutting out.
The download of the platform's APK file offers us a range of services. On the homepage, we will be able to view the store that is nearest to us and the best deals. Meanwhile, there is also anon-sale section where we will find digitalized weekly ads, personalized offers, and the reward program.
Digital coupons: save on hundreds of items every week.
And that's not all, because this app also features a tool for creating our shopping list, a store finder, and a calculator that scans the products we add to our shopping cart so that we know exactly how much we will be paying at the checkout. And it even features an online shopping function for picking up our shopping at the nearest store.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.1.