Exchange Rates
10.8 MBSize

Conversion tool and currency information

Conversion tool and currency information

It is difficult to keep up with financial information. Exchange rates change constantly (even while you are reading this), and then you have to add other factors, such as crypto-currencies or high-value commodities. If you want to stay right up to date regarding exchange rates or if you are going to travel abroad and need to know current rates, Exchange Rates is a very complete app for Android. Here is what you will find.

Combines a modern and easy-to-use design with an accurate trading data source that updates ever sixty seconds.

Currencies, crypto-currencies, and much more

Using this app, you will be able to view exchange rates between and among all of the world’s official currencies. It also includes information on the most popular crypto-currencies and specific commodities, such as gold, oil or copper. Additionally, it boasts a convenient, built-in calculator for converting currency values using current exchange rates or your own customized values.

The information on the app is updated every 60 seconds, but it can also be used offline. Want more Well, it also offers interactive historical charts for a range of currencies, where you will be able to set the time period to be shown.

It also has a very cool feature where you can see all of the bills recognized by banks around the world. And, who knows This might be the only chance a lot of us get to see what a 500-euro bill actually looks like.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1.
  • Offers in-app purchases.

Information about Exchange Rates 2.7.16

License free
Op. System Android
Category Productivity and Business
Language English
7 more
Size 10.8 MB
Date October 27, 2024