2.3 MBSize

Schedule, trailers, and movie reviews app

Elies Guzmán

Schedule, trailers, and movie reviews app

Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb are considered some of the best online resources for film lovers. Lovers of the Seventh Art can keep up to date with new releases or discover new films according to their preferences or other users' recommendations. So, Flixster is also linked to this service, an application that aims to offer additional information about films, such as news, schedules, cinemas near your location, buying tickets online, discovering new films, and more.

All the information about the premiere cinema you are looking for

These are the main features offered by the application:

  • Get the latest ratings and film reviews from Rotten Tomatoes.
  • Find the latest movie news, such as articles about awards ceremonies or exclusives with actors or directors.
  • Watch trailers.
  • Check out the full cast of each film.
  • Find out what movies you can watch at cinemas near you using Google Maps.
  • Check schedules and consult cinema services such as ticket reservations.
  • Purchase tickets from the app.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 6.0.

Information about Flixster 10.7

License free
Op. System Android
Category TV
Language English
7 more
Size 2.3 MB
Date October 28, 2024