Wide range of online movies and series
Why download movies when you can play them via streaming And without playback cuts and with great image quality. You only need to download Flixtor to your computer.
What is Flixtor
Flixtor is a program to play movies that is based on P2P connections. In fact, it searches among torrents to offer the playback in its original language, with the possibility to add subtitles, but all the latter without downloading a single file. It provides us with a very simple browsing system in which we can locate any movie or series depending on its genre.
An alternative to Popcorn Time.
Main features
- Play movies, series, videos or cartoons online.
- Subtitles available in more than 30 languages.
- Possibility to view the movie's trailer.
- Search among more than two million torrents.
- Browsing and searching system that allows us to filter titles by specific categories and genres.
How it works
Watching a movie online with Flixtor is very simple: make use of its main panel to find the latest releases or use its simple search system that allows you to locate any title manually or browsing among the options of its menu.
Download Flixtor and enjoy watching a movie wherever you are.
Requirements and additional information:
- The encoding of certain movies may not allow fast-forwarding.
- You can't advance the playback if the loading progress hasn't reached that part of the video.
- Certain movies may require that you download a large part before allowing you to play the file.