3.8 MBSize

A great alternative to Google Play

A great alternative to Google Play

The majority of us usually use the official Google Play Store to download free or paid applications because we think it's safer and it's already installed by default on all our devices.

However, you should know that there are other alternative stores that usually include applications that we can't find in the official marketplace because they go against any of Google's policies or because they harm the Internet giant in some way. For instance, app store applications, apps that allow us to download videos from YouTube or to watch paid TV channels via streaming, or even MODs of applications developed with the source code of the official app, amongst others.

A new and complete PlayStore

Today we're introducing you to the new store that's looking for its space on the market: Galaxy. Although it has just arrived, it already includes hundreds of applications sorted by categories and that can easily be downloaded to our phone:

  • Android Wear.
  • Art and Design.
  • Food and Drink.
  • Shopping.
  • Sports.
  • Lifestyle.
  • Family.
  • Education.
  • Photography.
  • Games.
  • Music and audio.
  • Weather.
  • And many more.

Furthermore, in the bottom right-hand corner, there's a search button that allows the user to search for apps about whatever he needs by means of using simple keywords. The results shown are fast and correct, and the datasheets of each app come along with plenty of details.

The latter include even more information than the Google Play Store and it's much more visible and accessible to the user. From top to bottom, we can find:

  • The name of the app and the download button.
  • The memory occupied on the phone and the size of the APK, the users' ratings (up to 5 stars), the app's category, and the kind of license.
  • Screenshots.
  • The number of reviews and comments of users that have downloaded the app and tried it out.
  • The Android permissions required by the app for its installation.

Finally, we have to point out that the app isn't perfect as the store offers certain applications that aren't available to be downloaded and the app doesn't always work as stable as it should. However, if its developers keep up the good work, this store could be a major hit.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.
  • The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the "Unknown sources" option within Settings>Applications.

Information about Galaxy 1.0.3

License free
Op. System Android
Category Tools
Language English
7 more
Size 3.8 MB
Date October 27, 2024