32 MBSize

Rotate your Android device with your PC

Elies Guzmán

Rotate your Android device with your PC

The Android operating system has a number of functions and features that are not available to all users and require that you to have a rooted device, also known as obtaining super-user permissions.

This tool allows users to root Android devices using a PC

iRoot is the software that was formerly known as vRoot, with which users can root a device using their computers and get super-user permissions to access different functions that are normally not accessible. With iRoot, users can uninstall any bloatware, pre-installed applications are known.

To do this, what you need to do is connect the device to the computer with a USB cable and wait for the program to recognize it . Then, simple follow the steps that the program indicates to carry out the operation. Having said that, it is true that this program is already a few years old, so this procedure may not work with more recent versions of Android.

Information about iRoot 1.8.8

License free
Op. System Windows
Category Tools
Language English
7 more
Size 32 MB
Date October 24, 2024