128.2 MBSize

Thousands of eBooks and audiobooks on your cellphone

Thousands of eBooks and audiobooks on your cellphone

The most voracious readers are insatiable. Their thirst for new books is never quenched. What if we could carry a thousand books in our pocket so we could read them whenever we want This is exactly what this interesting Russian app offers us.

Your books will always go with you

LitRes is an app that contains a huge catalog of e-books and audiobooks of all genres, such as fiction, romance, business, psychology, science, science fiction, among others. This way, we will always have something to read (or listen to) at hand.

Here, we will find over one million ebooks in Russian and other languages and 65,000 audiobooks. In addition, it has around 48,000 books that we can read for free, and every month 5,000 titles are added to the collection.

The largest catalog: over 1,000,000 e-books and audiobooks.

One of the most interesting elements of this platform is its book search tool. It helps us to search for titles by keywords and even by taking a picture of a book cover.

On the other hand, before buying an ebook or audiobook, it lets us read or listen to an extract so we can check if we are interested. Audiobooks can also be listened to in the background and without an Internet connection. Downloading the APK file of this app is almost like always carrying a library with you.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Minimum operating system requirements: Android 7.0.
  • Offers in-app purchases.
  • Instructions to install XAPKs on Android

Information about LitRes 3.116.0

License free
Op. System Android
Category Lifestyle
Language English
7 more
Size 128.2 MB
Date October 27, 2024