Meet people from all over the world to chat and flirt
Omi is a social network that allows you to contact users from all corners of the world. Download the APK file provides the opportunity to make new friends, flirt with other people, or simply have a friendly chat or call.
Make friends or flirt without leaving home
The main feature of this platform is that it offers different methods to find other people with shared tastes and interests. There are a total of four:
Millions of couples and friends have met and started their wonderful journey from Omi.
Omi is quite a safe application, as the team checks all new profiles to avoid fake accounts. Therefore, this app can be a good solution if you feel lonely or want to make new friends without setting foot outside the house. And, who knows, you might even find love.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.
- Offers in-app purchases.