PDF editor similar to Word
PDF is still one of the most used formats when it comes to documents and information. It's very popular but one if its drawbacks has to do with modifying a document. So if you're looking for a totally free PDF editor that you can use offline, here's the answer: PDFill PDF Editor.
Free alternative to Adobe Acrobat
Adobe's editor is precisely the most well-known one of them all, but being a commercial product doesn't convince everyone. So, you can now resort to a tool like this one, capable of carrying out the following actions on a PDF document:
- Open, view, edit and save PDFs.
- Create, fill in, edit, delete and sign any form.
- Write, draw, comment, bookmark and scan documents.
The program's interface will definitely remind you of previous versions of Microsoft Office. And that's not a negative aspect, totally the opposite: the majority of users will find using this program quite familiar. You'll even edit your PDFs just as you would with a Word document.