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The most efficient Amazon price comparer

Elies Guzmán

The most efficient Amazon price comparer

Amazon is the online retailer par excellence that offers its own store in many countries. And although you probably live in a country with its own shop, you might want to compare the prices between one and another, and for such purpose you can make use of Pricenoia, the official add-on for Google Chrome.

Compare prices with all sorts of details

Although Pricenoia first appeared as a web, its browser add-on also allows us to find the most affordable prices on Amazon. To do so, we can look up comparative tables with the prices of products in other countries, including interactive graphics with the evolution of their cost. And to make sure we don't miss anything, we'll have the possibility to draw up a wishlist and follow the different items we add.

The most reliable way to obtain the best price on Amazon.


  • Compare prices of up to nine Amazon stores in different countries.
  • Comparative tables.
  • Interactive graphics with the evolution of prices.
  • Price alerts.
  • Wishlists.
  • Follow different items.

What are you waiting for to buy cheaper on Amazon With Pricenoia for Chrome you'll always find the best offer.

Requirements and additional information:

  • Instructions to install extensions on Chrome

Information about Pricenoia 0.83

License free
Op. System Windows
Category Productivity and Business
Language English
7 more
Size 16 KB
Date October 24, 2024