Elies Guzmán
A decent free alternative to Microsoft Project
ProjectLibre is a project management program, based on the former OpenProject application, that comes along as a free alternative to Microsoft Project.
Excellent option for project management.
This awarded program (chosen among the "Top 10 Open Source projects in 2013") is based on Java and runs on different platforms.
Main advantages of using ProjectLibre
An efficient project planning is essential to get the most out of your company and ProjectLibre helps you to do so with its functionalities:
- Intuitive Ribbon-style interface.
- Project management, by means of the creation of tasks and subtasks to which specific times and resources can be assigned.
- Possibility to establish dependencies between the different tasks.
- View Gantt charts on which we can see the time planned for each task.
- Representation of basic PERT charts to establish relationships between different tasks.
- Save projects in POD, XML and PDF format.
- Compatible with Microsoft Project.
Download ProjectLibre for free and you'll have a professional solution for project management without any sort of cost.