Organize your bookmarks is a digital assistant for saving and organizing bookmarks. The main advantage is that it is multiplatform and is tailored to all browsers. What's more, it’s free.
Your favorite web pages sorted
In other words, the download of the APK file allows us to compile and organize bookmarks and sync information across all the platforms and browsers we use. This means we can save the URL of web pages, articles, photos, videos, and other resources.
Save articles, photos, videos, and web and app pages.
The information is stored in the cloud, which means it is accessible from anywhere and from any device. But the best part is that its sleek interface gives us the option tosort every entry with multiple details, save it in personalized folders, add tags… It has everything covered. And, as the data is stored in the cloud, there is no danger of accidentally losing it.
Meanwhile, it isintuitive and easy to use and extends the functions of traditional browser bookmarks and tabs. In short, once we start using this app, we won't want to do without it.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 6.0.
- Offers in-app purchases.
- Instructions to install XAPKs on Android