Uninstall Tool
3.6 MBSize

Uninstall any application completely

Uninstall any application completely

When we use a computer with a Windows operating system it is very common that after installing and uninstalling programsthe system starts to be a lot slower and unstable. This happens because many applications don't uninstall correctly and they leave entries in the registry. To forget about this type of problem we have to use an application like Uninstall Tool.

Carry out clean uninstalls

With Uninstall Tool we will obtain a very simple interface that we can use to clearly differentiate between programs installed by the user, system components and hidden software. All of these will offers a list of applications that Uninstall Tool can delete from our system a lot more effectively than the classic Program Uninstaller included in Windows and up tothree times quicker.

Furthermore, Uninstall Tool is capable offorcing the elimination from the registry of any entry made by software installed by the user, allowing us to maintain our system completely clean even if the application doesn't include anuninstaller.

Requirements and additional information:

  • The trial version has certain limitations.

Information about Uninstall Tool 3.5.7

License trial
Op. System Windows
Category Tools
Language English
7 more
Size 3.6 MB
Date October 24, 2024