Converter from PDF to Word and other formats
The PDF file format has the advantage of being portable. In other words, we can open it on different platforms without modifying its content: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone... That's why it has become so popular and is now a standard when it comes to documents.
Since it is so popular, there are now loads of tools to edit and convert PDF to other formats. Wide Angle PDF Converter is one of them and the truth is that it's very efficient. With the latter, we can convert a PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, and other files to allow us to work on its contents in other projects.
Editing and converting a PDF in a simple and fast manner
The main advantages of this program are based on offering us a very simple user interface that allows us to carry out all the main actions with hardly any effort. These are the main functions that this conversion software allows us to carry out:
- Format converter: convert a PDF into Office files such as DOC, PPT, and XLS. It's also compatible with TXT, HTML, EPUB, XPS, PostScript, JPG, PNG, SVG, and GIF.
- Modify documents: merge several documents into one adding more files, split them or remove pages. Copy and export text to use it on other documents, rotate their orientation or add watermarks and attachments.
- Security: protect your files with a password to avoid unauthorized uses, establish permissions for use or easily add text or watermarks to images to protect them.
We also have to bear in mind that, although there are online alternative programs to convert PDFs, here we're doing so locally. In other words, we don't have to share our files on any server, losing control over the latter.
This program can be downloaded for free although, as you can imagine, it's a trial version, the main functions of which are somewhat limited. That's why you can purchase the pro or full version to be able to get hold of the complete functions of this efficient program to edit PDF files.