Download Security software for Windows for free
Winpooch Watchdog
Make sure your programs don't carry out dangerous operations
Norton Power Eraser
The last chance to remove viruses
Protection against Internet dangers and malware
360 NSA Cyber Weapons Defense Tool
Security tool against the NSA's cyberweapons
WOT Internet Explorer
Discover if a website is dangerous with this plug-in
OWASP Mantra
A pack of tools to check a website's security
Protect your computer against any malware
Latch Antiransomware
Anti-ransomware tool created by Telefónica's cybersecurity division
Remove false antivirus alarms from your computer
Put a halt to all the dangerous processes that run in the background
Mandiant Redline
Audit your computer in search of malware
Unblock and eliminate the malicious and unwanted files from your computer.
The NSA's reverse engineering tools
BitDefender USB Immunizer
Eliminate malicious auto-executable files from your USB pendrives